Federico Lombardi

Federico Lombardi

My research interests are around the study of coherence and quantum properties in carbon based materials. In particulare applications of elecron paramagnetic resonance for characterisation and manipulation of spins in nanographene and graphene nanoribbons. 

I received my bachelor in Physics Engingeering from Politecnico di Milano. I moved to studying Materials Science for a master at Imperial College London where I worked under the supervision of Dr. Sandrine Heutz studying the magnetic ordering in thin films of metal based phthalocyanines. I joined the group in October 2017 as a doctoral students. In my free time I organize and participate to activities in St Cross College and I play bridge in the local clubs, I was also captain of the University team for one year. 

12/13 Parks Road, 40.03


Tel: +44(0)1865273690