Simen's research focuses on the investigation of magnetic anisotropy in molecular nanomagnets at millikelvin temperatures. He is also the group's intrumentalist and has developed a very sensitive cantilever torque magnetometer (CTM) as a tool to perform anisotropy measurements on a wide variety of single-crystalline compounds, including rare-earth based single-molecule magnets (SMMs), single-chain magnets (SCMs) and magnetic thin films and monolayers. Simen has also recently moved into the field of millikelvin transport of electronic charge and spin through magnetic single-molecule field-effect transistors (FETs). While the platforms of CTM and magnetic single-molecule FET may seem very different, they can in combination allow the investigation of a compound in all four dimensionalities: 3D and 2D single crystals using CTM and 1D and 0D single molecules using magnetic single-molecule FET.
Using his own novel design, he currently develops a ultra-fast-sweeping superconducting magnet with the purpose of pushing the limits of spin reversal processes in the systems measured in the CTM and FET geometries. Simen also aims at providing new information about the fundamentals of spin dynamics in single molecules through single-molecule electron spin resonance in the FET geometry.
2021 |
DPhil in Materials, University of Oxford, UK |
2017 |
Master of Engineering in Materials, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium |
2016 |
Master of Science in Materials, University of Augsburg, Germany |
2014 |
Bachelor of Science in Materials, University of Oslo, Norway |